'A' is for Abraxas is a word which has mystic roots, it's made up of Greek Letters. The word was believed to have had magical properties and was inscribed on ancient charms and amulets. 
'B' is for 'Budh'. Budh is a Sanskrit word, which means to 'be awake'. It is awakening and knowing thyself. Buddha said you cannot travel the path unless you become the path itself.

'C' is for Chand, the crescent moon. Chandamama was a nursery rhyme I used to hear as a child. The moon is seen as the Earth's brother, hence we call the moon, "moon-uncle" or Chandamama!

'D" is for 'Damballah'. Damballah is one of the most important of all the loa (spirits) in the Haitian Vodou traditions. He is the sky father and the primordial creator of all life. He rules the mind, intellect and cosmic equilibrium.

"E" is for Eden. The garden of Eden, also called Paradise or the Biblical Garden of God, where Adam and Eve at the forbidden apple. And maybe received their awakening.

F is for “Fakir”The one who is selfless is the Sadhu or the Fakir. A religious ascetic who renowns worldly pleasures and who has real knowledge and regard for mankind, dedicated/surrendered him/herself to the true mother nature or God, without seeking any gains.

"G" is for "Gnosis.  It is the knowledge of the spiritual mysteries. To have the eyes of wisdom that travel through dimensions, as humanity's true nature - to touch the light of the divine. 

"H" is for Heaven/Hell, and the gates of our mind. These concepts exist in none other  than the mind itself, you cherish a good thought, and thus you have heaven,cherish a bad thought,you have hell. Every moment we experience is a culmination of heaven and hell.

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